Retro wood windows are great to preserve its historic character in an old building keeping comfort of use. We produce windows for conservators of monuments that maintain high thermal insulation parameters.

  • Available in all offered thicknesses: 68mm, 78mm and 92 mm.
  • Windows for historic buildings produced in cooperation with a conservator.
  • Modern technological solutions allow easy, light and comfortable operation of the leaves.
  • The best fittings on the market from the renowned producer, SIEGENIA, guarantee quality and reliability.

Individual decorations

Decoration of the stylised windows is a very individual, depending on the preferences and expectations of the investor but also on the window style and tradition of the city. If there is such an idea, we will inspire on old windows, their remains or photos. If the object is included in the monuments register, we will cooperate with the monuments conservator responsible for the object.

Viennese crossbars

The glazing inside includes the so-called “blind crossbar”, to which we install the Viennese crossbars from the outside on both sides of the window. In this way, we can freely divide the glass into smaller fields. This solution creates problems during window cleaning, but the Viennese crossbars look beautiful and natural.

Convex windows and stained glass

As one of the few producers, we also use convex glass and stained glass in our windows and doors. Each glazing is a unique implementation, with individually selected glasses and pattern design. Everything carried out with traditional methods of manual grinding and joining of glasses.


Our extensive experience in developments for monuments conservators and in the implementation of even the most demanding objects guarantees flawless design and the highest quality workmanship.

See also:





pinezkaZałakowo 80
83-342 Kamienica  Królewska
NIP 5891595580

Załakowo 80
83-342 Kamienica  Królewska
NIP 5891595580


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