The operation of GERLEJ is based on three pillars
Advanced technology
The GERLEJ company is the owner of a technologically advanced, modern factory, equipped with the latest machinery of renowned world producers such as Homag, Schelling, Weinig and DMC.
The best raw materials
We do not use half-measures. The material included in our production is carefully selected.
We clean and dry the wood of native species by ourselves, thanks to which we are sure that we use the raw material with the quality and parameters that will satisfy our customers.
Commitment and manual work
Conscious craft draws from its roots. For years, we have been implementing projects whose vision does not fit into the developed solutions. Personal commitment and manual work are necessary then.
Załakowo 80
83-342 Kamienica Królewska
NIP 5891595580

83-342 Kamienica Królewska
NIP 5891595580
